Monday, May 7, 2012

Worldview (

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The out come of my worldview essay is no surprise. My outcome is a worldview. Studying different religions is no new subject to me and I am no stranger to different cultures. This essay solidified what I actually believed and even thought nothing was extremely ground breaking or mind blowing, it was extremely beneficial to write it all out in a paper. This is my worldview and how I strive to think and live.

Evolution (

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This was my first and only experience with evolution teachings that I had ever had. The subject was weird to me as the churches I go to normally strive to disprove evolution. I knew that I needed to know what evolution was and I knew that it would probably make sense, but admittedly, I went in with a bias towards a young earth creationist view. I learned both sides of the story, and with a little research of my own, made my own conclusion. This is what I came up with. The outcome, looking back, was purely scientific. It did not alter my faith or my resolution that God created the world. This outcome offered some proof and some knowledge that I eventually concluded could be manipulated to both sides of the argument. The outcome was scientific knowledge that I am glad to have.

United States Air Force Academy

 The Air Force Academy process is long, hard and well rounded. To finish it was my goal, and making it into the Academy was always a prayer. At times, I did feel extremely confident in my journey. At times, I knew one-hundred percent that I would not make it. This application is one of my greatest accomplishments, and yet at the same time, one of my most humbling defeats. This artifact has been a part of my life since the second semester of my junior year. When something as simple sounding as a college application takes a year, it changes you.
The application starts simple. You enter your name, date of birth, social security number, grade and your GPA as well as your approximate ACT/SAT scores. This is a preliminary step that many get past. Some will be disqualified here but not many. Get past this seemingly easy step, and you are awarded with:
 This is a part of the Candidate Kit that we must complete. It consists of some normal college aspects such as an class schedule, transcript, and a couple of essays. Then there are requirements like the drug statement, "activities record" and a fitness test. In addition, each Candidate is assigned a Liason Officer, who's purpose is to interview the candidate and determine if this candidate is someone to be reckoned with. Or not. You also must pass standard military health regulations, which requires a check up more detailed than any sports physical would be.
The extra catch to this application is that to be even considered for appointment to the Academy, one must receive a recommendation from a Member of Congress, such as Ben Ray Lujan, or Jeff Bingaman. This requires a couple more essays, more recommendation letters, and an extremely over organized interview with a panel of judges, normally consisting of a high ranking military official, a non-military yet highly educated person, and one still high ranking official only slightly lower than the other. Each Congressional Member gets 10 nomination a year, and 5 or 6 are usually given to Medal of Honor Children and guaranteed acceptance candidates. In reality, there may only be 2 or 3 nominees given to High School Students. This process is responsible for eliminating at least 60% of applicants. I am very proud to say that I received a nomination from all 3 Senators and Congressman I applied to.
This minor victory however was quickly over shadowed by one simple fact. I am a small and rather slow and weak person. My preparation for the fitness assessment was the hardest thing I have done. I worked everyday for 2 months to become harder, faster, better and stronger. In the end, I did become stronger. However, I traded push ups, pull ups, and sit-ups, for speed. I ran the worst mile I have ever ran, and did the most push-ups and sit-ups I have ever done. Though progress in my eyes, to the USAFA:

And thus was closed the Military Chapter in my High School Life. However, the outcomes of this application were numerous. I learned what is considered Leadership by those in Leadership positions, I learned how to nail an interview and perfect my oral communication as well as eye contact, I became the strongest physically I have ever been, I learned that some of my greatest strengths are my ability to travel as well as my involvement in churches musically. Looking back, this application showed me who I am and what   I can and cannot do. It showed me my greatest strengths, and my numerous weaknesses. I have learned what I am and what I am not. And I thank God for all I have learned.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


For a trip like this one, "claro" there is more than one outcome. The first and more obvious outcome for this artifact is a second language outcome. In my case, it's kind of like a third language, but well. The trip's main purpose was for me to take more advanced Spanish classes and to be able to practice the language daily and be in an environment saturated in the language. What better place to study Spanish than in the land of Spain. Now unlike many classes of language, I had the privilege of being in a completely different side of the world. My second outcome is of course Cross Cultural Communication. One of the exposure techniques of the Semester in Spain Program was to have students stay with host families, in order to make them feel for one horribly awkward the first couple days as they can't communicate, but also to force them, in a good way, to practice and become accustom to the language being spoken in a quick and natural way. As an added bonus, our Señora was an amazing cook.

Media Literacy

The outcome of this video is an obvious one. Media Literacy has always been one of my interests and my first movie making experience was a long and hard one in the eighth grade. This was a commercial that Carlos DeSanctis, Alex Govorov and I made for Miss Kroon's English class in 2009. The process of making this video was an extremely enjoyable one. Brainstorming provided a basic idea, but the true "genius" of this video was that almost every idea was a moment of inspiration on the spot. Through the magic of well placed music, sound clips and a slight hint of madness, we turned a short story by Joan Aiken into a comedic, yet very informative commercial about the greatest vacation spot in the world. This was the best movie that I was involved in and I realized that this was one of my favorite ways to present a subject.