Sunday, May 6, 2012

Media Literacy

The outcome of this video is an obvious one. Media Literacy has always been one of my interests and my first movie making experience was a long and hard one in the eighth grade. This was a commercial that Carlos DeSanctis, Alex Govorov and I made for Miss Kroon's English class in 2009. The process of making this video was an extremely enjoyable one. Brainstorming provided a basic idea, but the true "genius" of this video was that almost every idea was a moment of inspiration on the spot. Through the magic of well placed music, sound clips and a slight hint of madness, we turned a short story by Joan Aiken into a comedic, yet very informative commercial about the greatest vacation spot in the world. This was the best movie that I was involved in and I realized that this was one of my favorite ways to present a subject.

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